Friday, September 4, 2009

To Marry or Not to Marry

I recently came across these probing thoughts: Name five reasons why someone should marry you. And name three reasons why someone should not marry you. I mean, unless you are simply full of yourself or just really in touch with who you are, this is some deep stuff.

Not liking to back away from a challenge, I tackled each, and here is what I decided.
Marry me because ...
1. I love Jesus. But it doesn't stop there. While I am not perfect by any means, I am really focused on who I am becoming in Christ and how I am growing in Him.
2. I am funny. At least, I think I am.
3. I am thoughtful. But not in the "I remember everything" sort of way. It's more along the lines of ... I listen well, I think through things, I am level-headed.
4. I am compassionate/caring. I love people. I am fascinated by them, especially those very different from myself. I like to think that I don't see color or background or status. I am comfortable with the affluent as well as those with no voice. And my heart is always open to others.
5. I am a provider. I think most guys can relate to this. And it goes way beyond providing financially. We lead, we encourage, we advise, we love, ...

Don't marry me because ...
1. I am selfish. OK, I am not selfish with "my possessions," and I am not consumed with myself. But I can be selfish with my time. I am independent, almost too independent. And while I am definitely an extrovert, I really enjoy time alone. I like to do things "my way" and on "my time."
2. I am lazy. I work hard; I stay busy. But I have been known to waste away a Saturday, doing nothing but sitting on the couch and drinking coffee.
3. I am stubborn. I am not a fighter. I am not one who enjoys arguing. And I am open to different ideas and thoughts. But once I have something "set" in mind, it takes a lot for me to change. (My politically conservative friends can vouch for this one.)

So there you have it. And if you're wondering, the "don't marry me" list could have been a lot longer. But, alas, I was only asked for three.

So what about you? Why should someone marry you or not marry you? And married readers, you can play along too.